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There were many things Apostle Henton was known for throughout his ministry. These nuggets are words of wisdom and key takeaways that Apostle Henton would often share. They include some of his popular sermon titles, quotes and anecdotal sayings.
"When it comes to the things of God, get all you can, can all you get and then sit on the can."
"Sanctification is not a denomination. If a church is a church at all, it should be sanctified."
"He's got enough healing virtue, in the hem of his garment, to cure a thousand worlds. He's got enough healing virtue, in his salvia alone, than all the prescription counters in town."
"He's the answer in the peasants hut. He's the answer at the conference table, He's the answer at the crossroads of life. Christ is the answer!"
"T for trials, H for heartaches, I for infirmities, N for necessities, G for griefs, S for sorrows, their not good, but all THINGS work together for good."
"If you don't have in you, that which is above you, you're gonna fall victim to the things that are around you."
"Live, I command you to live. For God have said in his Word, I have provided better things for you and because of this, I'm moving on, and I'm reaching for bigger and better things, in my natural and in my spiritual life."
"Dark clouds hover over us and no where is there rest, but only thee Lord can save us in these dark hours of distress."
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